A magazine

dedicated to

Canada's story


Our Canada
Our way

A magazine dedicated to
Canada’s Story

About the magazine

Canada’s Ultimate Story offers captivating tales of fascinating Canadian people, places and events, with engaging historical journalism and striking archival and contemporary imagery that combine to bring the stories of Canada to life like never before.

A rich array of online content expands on these stories and encourages interaction, bringing together thousands of Canadians who love our nation and want to know more about its history and achievements.

Latest Issue

Liberation! Canada And The WW II Fight To Free The Netherlands

In the fall of 1944, Canadian troops led bitter fighting to secure access to the critical port of Antwerp, freeing the Scheldt estuary and the approaches to a key supply hub as Allied forces prepared to enter Germany and bring the Second World War to an end.
It was but a sliver of the occupied Netherlands. More epic combat lay ahead. Ultimately, the year 1945 will prove a happy one, as the sufferings of the Dutch populace, ravaged by almost five years of hardship and a bitterly cold winter of starvation, are brought to a bloody end.


awards slider


Canadian Cover Awards

(Gold Winner) SIPs & New Magazines

Canada And The Great War: The Battles


Canadian Cover Awards

(Gold Winner) General Interest, Arts, Lifestyle and Regional

The Victoria Cross


Canadian Cover Awards

(Finalist) Special Interest Publication

WWII: The War That Had To Be Won


National Magazine Awards

(Finalist) Best Single Issue in Canada

The Fight For Italy


National Magazine Awards

(Honourable Mention) Best Single Issue

Canada And The Great War: The Battles


Gutenberg Technical Challenge – Magazines

(First Place) Outstanding printing and design

The Victoria Cross


CMC Audience Development Award

(Silver Winner) Special Interest Publication

The Victoria Cross

First World War collection

We cannot forget the First World War. Even though more than 90 years have passed since the guns fell silent, we are still shocked by the savagery of that conflict. The butcher’s bill worldwide was 10 million combatants, with countless more millions of civilians perishing through starvation, violence and even genocide. For Canada, a Dominion of the British Empire, with a population of fewer than eight million and not yet 50 years old at the start of the war, the country paid a terrible price. More than 60,000 Canadians were killed in the cataclysm from 1914 to 1918.

How Canada conquered Vimy Ridge

Canada and the great war of liberation

World War I: True stories from Vimy to victory

Vimy: The Birth of a Nation

John McCrae and the Battles of Flanders

The Somme


War Stories

The March to Victory

Second World War collection

The Second World War, which lasted six years from 1939 to 1945, totally involved the Canadian people. The nation’s men and women served in huge numbers, 10 per cent of the population of 11 million putting on uniform. Millions more worked in war plants, in the mines and fields, and in the bureaucracies supporting the government.

Liberation! Canada And The WW II Fight To Free The Netherlands

Canada and the Scheldt Campaign: The necessary victory

1944: Prelude to Victory

Operation Husky: The Allies take Sicily

1943: The Allies gain the advantage in the Second World War

Canada’s Great Naval Battles

1945 – Canada and the end of the Second World War

The Victoria Cross

liberating normandy

Battle of the Atlantic: Canada’s war at sea

D-DAY: The Free World Fights Back

Battle of Ortona

Battle of the Pacific

Canada And the second world war: The Battles

War Photos

O Canada collection

Big land, bigger oceans, huge mountains, wide waterways and wildlife wilderness—Canada offers breathtaking vistas in every direction. Discover the countless wonders of our country. O Canada tells our story from our first peoples through to our achievements in space. With hundreds of photos and illustrations the O Canada is full of Canadiana, personalities, achievements and amazing statistics.

O Canada: Canada and the world

O Canada: 75+ of the most genuinely Canadian things

O Canada: Greatest Canadians

How Canada was shaped by War & Peace

O Canada: The best of everything

Twenty-Five Great Canadian Aviators

O Canada: Discover your land

The Royals: The fight to rule Canada

O Canada: The history of our home and native land

Crime, Canadian Style

Remembrance collection

Read about the victories, losses and defining moments of Canadian soldiers and veterans. Honour their stories and remember.

RCAF-100: Celebrating the centennial of the Royal Canadian Air Force

Korea: The war without end

John McCrae and the Battles of Flanders

War Photos

Korea: The Forgotten War

The Victoria Cross


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